National Grief Awareness Day is observed on August 30, and encourages open conversations about the process of grieving. It's a day dedicated to acknowledging the impact of loss and providing support for those in grief. Our faith traditions help us navigate times of loss. For those with a mental health condition, there is grief. When the brain misfires, and behavioral symptoms of a mental health condition are misinterpreted by those we love or work with, there can be great loss: personal relationships, school failure, finances, housing, legal issues, work, hope for a better life. For families of those with a mental health condition, grief centers on losing the relationship through conflict, or on the financial and emotional stresses of caretaking or accompaniment. 

Death by suicide is the ultimate grief -the actual loss of your loved one. September is Suicide Prevention Month and it would be a good month to talk within your congregation (especially youth groups) about mental health disorders being treatable. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in those age 10-14 and third leading cause of death for those 15-24. We need to approach mental health as we do cancer. Why ignore symptoms until Stage 4 when there may be fewer treatment options and little hope for recovery? Let's all be informed and ready with resources for families so these illnesses can be treated at Stage 1 before losses (relationships, work, school, finances) and problems (self medicating/addiction, legal, criminal) pile up. I can provide you with resources, just email me and let me know what type of resources (video, written, in person presentation) about mental health/suicide you need for your faith community. 

NAMI envisions a world where all people affected by mental illness live healthy, fulfilling lives supported by a community that cares. We exist to help with support, advocacy, public awareness and most importantly, education. Families can't do what they don't know. Please post an announcement in your bulletin or newsletter informing your faith community of our next free of cost, 8 week Family to Family class. Our programs are presented by those in recovery or family members who have lived experience as well as training. This class is offered by family members. Registration is required online - and seats are limited. A flier is attached. Perhaps you can feature it on a social media page, your bulletin/newsletter or by posting in your gathering space.

May you be blessed in your ministry,

Joanne Halt, M.A.

FaithNet Representative

Creating caring congregations:

Education, Commitment, Welcome, Support, Advocacy

(239) 337-9024 (w)

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